Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Matters
Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Matters
Higher Mother Tongue Languages:
- Letter will be sent to the Parent of the eligible Sec 1 students based on MOE’s eligibility criteria to offer HMTL via Parent Gateway. Parents are advised to purchase MT/HMTL textbook only after receiving the eligibility letter to be offered HMTL.
- For students who are offering Higher Chinese Language (HCL) and Higher Malay Language (HML), they will study these subjects during school curriculum time.
- For students who are offering Higher Tamil Language (HTL), they will need to attend lessons at designated HTL centres.
- Please note that there is no need to offer MTL subject in addition to HMTL.
Can my child apply to take HMTL?
There is no need to apply to take HMTL. Only Sec 1 student who is eligible to take HMTL will be offered the subject.
Students who wish to take Higher Tamil will need to attend lessons at a designated centre which offers Higher Tamil outside of curriculum time.
Tamil Students offering TL at TL Centre:
Tamil students should email Mdm Chong Mong Leng (HOD/MTL) to indicate the TL centre that they would like to register with. They could also indicate their option through their Form teachers. Form teachers will inform HOD/MTL.
TL designated centre: Bedok View Secondary School, Umar Pulavar TL Centre
HTL designated centres: Umar Pulavar TL Centre, Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School
For more queries on Mother Tongue, please direct them to Mdm Chong Mong Leng, HOD Mother Tongue, [email protected]
Note: If your child obtains a grade of A1 to C6 for both English and HMTL at the GCE ‘O’ Level Examination and qualifies for admission to a Junior College (JC), they will be given a concession of two points in their application to the JC of their choice through the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE).
Offering Third Languages At Secondary School
- Parents will be informed by the school via Parents Gateway (PG) before the school re-open for both successful and unsuccessful applications.
- Students will have to register online with the respective centres: MOE Language Centre (MOELC) or Malay/Chinese Special Programme (MSP/CSP) Zonal Centres by week 1 Term 1.
- For registration at MOELC, students are to confirm the acceptance of the offer and complete the online registration at:
- For Malay / Chinese Special Programme, please check with the MSP/CSP Zonal Centres for the registration deadline.
For queries on taking up a Third Language please direct them to Mdm Chong Mong Leng, HOD Mother Tongue, [email protected]